Thursday, March 21, 2013

Table of Contents of "The Scholar's Survival Manual"

            A. Fundamentals

            1 "I Can Do That!"  2 What Is Graduate Education For?  3 Getting [MK1] into Graduate School  4 Matching and Searching  5 Taking Advice   6 Students  7 Advice to New Doctoral Students  8 Why Get a PhD? Why Be a Professor? And Where?  9 For New Graduate Students  10 Excellent Work  11 Thinking Analytically While Reading a Paper or Listening to a Talk  12 Excuses  13 Getting Your Doctoral Degree in the Fabled Four Years  14 The Limits of What You Learned in College or High School  15 Graduate Student Ambitions  16 Advice to an Ambivalent but Strong Doctoral Student in a Practical Field  17 External Research Support in the Research University  18 Graduate Student Basics  19 Being Autonomous  20 Improving Your Work  21 Learning the Material  22 How to Write Grant or Fellowship Proposals: For Doctoral Students  23 Advice for New Students  24 Qualifying Exams  25 Writing It Down

            B. Your Advisor and Committee

            26 Why Does My Professor Ask Me to Write a Memo Before He Sees Me?  27 No Surprises for the Boss  28 Using Your Own Judgment  29 Delivering  30 On Choosing an Advisor and Building Your Studies  31 Choosing Your Committee  32 Firing Your Advisor  33 Memos to Your Committee  34 Success Is Not about Being Top-Ranked at a Top-Ranked School  35 Financial Support and the Subject of Your Research  36 Taking Your Mentors' Advice  37 How Responsible Should Advisors Be for Their Doctoral Students?   38 The Good Advisor   39 Basics for New Faculty and Advisors: Avoiding "Internalization of the Aggressor" and Being "Good Enough"  40 Advisors as Scholars

            C. Sticky Situations

            41 Envy  42 I Would Never Want What Happened to Me to Happen to My Students or to My Children  43 Competition  44 Laptop, Smartphone, Tablet Decorum  45 The Experienced Student, the Military Veteran  46 Judgment and Grades  47 Plagiarism 48 "Steal My Ideas!": Impact, Originality  49 Excuses  50 Toward the End of the Semester  51 Doing the Scut Work  52 The Future of Data and Methods--Concreteness: Computation, Cinematic Arts, Statistics and Economics, and Talking to Your Rats  53 Data  54 Incompletes: For a Class, for Tenure


Chapter 2. Writing (#55  -95)

            A. Fundamentals

            55 Writing and Progress  56 Writing a Dissertation Is Chopping Down a Forest, Tree by Tree  57 Dissertation Proposals and Papers  58 Forced Evolution  59 Setting the Agenda: Independence  60 Storytelling and Focus  61 Using Design Skills to Write Research Papers  62 Draw a Target around Where Your Arrow Hits  63 Writing Advice  64 The Writing Path  65 More Writing Advice  66 The Basics  67 Style Manuals  68 PowerPoint vs. Analytical Writing  69 Rewriting  70 Writing So Your Work Is Accepted for Publication  71 Editing Your Book Manuscript  72 Fixing Your Book Manuscript  73 What Is This Paper About?  74 The Big Idea, Lessons, Lists

            B. Bottom Line Up Front

            75 Bottom Line Up Front = BLUF[MK2]   76 If You Can't Say It in Three Sentences, You Do Not Know What Your Script Is About  77 The First Sentence Should Give Away the Whole Story; If Not, Do It by the Second  78 The Takeaway  79 "The Layout Was Hard on the Eyes"  80 Why Papers Are Immediately Returned and Rejected by Journals

            C. Research

            81 Reviewing the Research Literature  82 Boring Work  83 Craftsmanship and Film Editing  84 Rereading Is Illuminating

            D. Publishing

            85 Grammar-Checking  86 Publishing Your Dissertation Work  87 Collaboration  88 Substantial Contributions  89 Reviewers' Reports, Appropriate Journals, and Colleagues' Pre-Reviews  90 Writing a Good Second Draft: Take Charge of What You Are Saying  91 Anxiety: Negative Reviews, Coauthoring  92 If You Write a Paper, Get It Published!  93 Why Do People Write Books?  94 Books or Articles  95 Rankings


Chapter 3. Getting Done (#96  -112)

            A. Fundamentals

            96 Moses and the Promised Land  97 Brilliant Ideas Are Already in What You Have Drafted  98 Working Hard  99 Catching Up and Getting Down to Writing  100 Taking Notes: Reading Is an Active Process

            B. Finishing

            101 Finishing a Project  102 Getting Done  103 "My Professors Keep Asking for Revisions of My Dissertation Draft"  104 Have You Spent Too Long a Time in Graduate School?  105 It Takes Twice As Long As You Planned  106 Focusing on Getting Done  107 Do It Now: Displacement  108 Projects: Doing Better without More Work; Exemplary Faculty  109 Scut Work and Publicizing Your Research  110 Moving to Assistant Professorship

            C. Reference Letters

            111 Asking for Reference Letters  112 Writing Academic Reference Letters


Chapter 4. Getting the First Job (#113  -150)

            A. Fundamentals

            113 Now That You Have Your Doctorate  114 What Do I Do with My Degree?  115 Visibility in Graduate School  116 Job Talks  117 Giving a Talk at a Conference  118 Speaking, Moderating, Commenting  119 Job Talk Advice  120 The Content of Your Talk  121 Job Search  122 Job Hunting  123 Getting That Job Interview  124 Looking for a Job  125 The Academic Labor Market  126 Finding a Job in a Particular Locale  127 A Market?  128 Being on the Job Market  129 Being in the Job Market, Always  130 Job Search Advice  131 Seeking a Job at a Meeting  132 Application Letter for a Job

            B. Job Talks and Seminar Presentations

            133 Compelling Presentations  134 What Makes a Terrific Job Talk?  135 Giving Your Best Talks and Oral Presentations  136 Brief Presentation at a Scholarly Meeting  137 Ways of Surviving a Job Interview  138 Preparing for the Job Search  139 Job Interviews  140 Interviewing for a Job, or in Fieldwork

            C. No Offers?

            141 You Did Not Get a Job Offer . . .   142 No Job This Year?  143 The Day Job

            D. You Have an Offer

            144 The Job Market: Counteroffers and Market Signaling  145 Bargaining for Jobs and Fellowships  146 Jobs: Negotiating for a Position

            E. Hiring

            147 Mistakes in Hiring  148 Hiring the Strongest in Any Field  149 Quality: One A is Better Than Two Bs, unless You Have a C Average  150 Hire Smart, Keep Smart, Tenure Smart


Chapter 5. Junior and Probationary Faculty (#151  -174)

            A. Fundamentals

            151 Doing Your Best in a Bureaucracy  152 Focus and Direction in Your First Job  153 An Informal Guide for New Faculty Members  154 Justifying Your Work  155 Your Personal Best  156 Assistant Professors: How to Survive  157 Increasing Quality at Tenure Time  158 We Want You to Succeed  159 Junior Faculty Advice  160 Mentoring and Junior Faculty Leaves  161 By Year 2<1/2>  162 Subpar Performance  163 Brief Guide for New Assistant Professors  164 Teaching Concerns  165 When Things Get Rocky in Your Department  166 Keeping Your Ears Open about Jobs Elsewhere  167 Getting Job Offers from Other Places Is Good for Your Home Institution  168 Taking Control of Your Career

            B. Promotion and Tenure

            169 You, the Candidate, Are in Charge  170 What Do I Have to Do to Get Tenure?  171 How Did X Get Tenure, Five Years Ago, When I Did Much More Than X Did?

            C. Denial

            172 When You've Been Denied Tenure  173 If You Are Denied Tenure, Promotion, or Appointment--Unfairness  174 I Did Not Get Promoted


Chapter 6. Grants, Fellowships, and Other Pecuniary Resources (#175  -183)

            175 Incentivizing Research  176 Applying for Grants, Fellowships  177 Raising Grant Monies to Do Your Work  178 Getting Grants  179 Do Not Do These in Your Grant Application  180 Preparing a Research Proposal  181 Grant-Getting  182 External Research Support Does Not Corrupt  183 Low-Overhead Research Dollars from Fellowships or Foundation Grants


Chapter 7. Your Career (#184  -219)

            A. Fundamentals

            184 You Are in Control of Your Career, Your Grades, Your Promotion  185 Probationary Times  186 Building Depth in Your Portfolio

            B. Awards

            187 Recognition, Awards, External Offers  188 Awards, Grants, and Honorifics  189 Too Much Pressure Here?  190 Recognition, Academic Seriousness  191 Campaign for Recognition and Awards  192 Recognition--Awards

            C. Impact and Influence of Your Work

            193 Impact and Influence  194 Impact Factors, Genuine Impact, Contribution  195 Increasing Your Impact: Limited Room at the Top  196 Unrecognition  197 Journal Rankings: What Counts Is Your Contribution to Scholarship  198 Productivity in Academia  199 The Contributions Made by Your Research Work  200 The Value of Annual Reviews of Our Work  201 Writing for Wider-Circulation Discipline-Wide Journals  202 Book Chapters

            D. Multi-Authored Work

            203 Why Do So Many Papers in Some Fields Have So Many Authors? They Do Not Seem to Be Much Stronger Than Papers in That Same Field with One or Two Authors  204 Counting Papers and Books and Citations--Compared to What?  205 Teams and Interdisciplinary Work  206 Multiple Authorship, Order of Names, Contribution  207 Collaborative and Team Work: The CV  208 Multiple Authorship: How to Count Work  209 Individual vs. Collective Research Efforts

            E. Your CV

            210 Evaluating Your Contributions and CV  211 De-Fluffing Your CV  212 Your CV, for Those Who Are Just Getting Started  213 Stupid Résumé Tricks  214 Fluff in the CV  215 Curriculum Vitae--Format

            F. Changing Jobs

            216 Should You Change Universities? Yes!  217 Leaving Your University Position: Living Well Is the Best Revenge  218 Reinventing the Faculty  219 Why Do Faculty Leave?


Chapter 8. Tenure and Promotion (#220  -290)

            A. Fundamentals

            220 What Tenure Means (for Lay Persons)  221 Lessons Drawn from Reading Hundreds of Dossiers  222 Encouraging an Even Stronger Faculty in the Future  223 Promotion/Tenure/Appointment: Very Brief Advice for All Involved  224 Getting Tenured  225 Avoiding Turndowns, for Tenure or Full Professor  226 The Rising Tide: Your Personal Best Has to Be Superior, Not Marginal  227 Promotion Guidelines  228 Professional Competence and Trust  229 Thinking about Your Promotion  230 Do What You Must Do  231 Promotion: WYSIWYG  232 Tenure Judgments: If You Have Any Doubt, Vote No  233 Avoiding Tenure Mistakes  234 Making Multi-Million-Dollar Long-Term Capital Investments: Tenure, Promotion  235 From a Member of the University Promotion Committee  236 Quality Judgments and Letters of Reference  237 "If I Did So Little I Would Be Ashamed of Myself"  238 Marginal Is Not Good Enough  239 Your Department's Credibility Is on the Line  240 Statistical Prediction for Better Tenure Decisions? Moneyball and Kahneman's "Cognitive Illusion"  241 Would You Want This Professor and Candidate for Promotion or Tenure Teaching Your Child?  242 From Members of the University Promotion Committee  243 Being Conned When Reading Promotion and Hiring Letters and Dossiers  244 Tenure for Clinicians, Practitioners, and Teachers  245 Judging Work beyond My Ken  246 Doggie Comes Up for Tenure  247 Hiring Grisha Perelman with Tenure  248 Ethos of Promotion and Tenure in a Strengthening Institution  249 Tenure Decision Errors  250 Tenure Traps

            B. The Dossier

            251 If You Are Chair of a Promotion or Tenure Committee  252 An Ideal Dossier  253 Tell Us What Is Going On  254 More Stuff from Reading Tenure Dossiers  255 Rhetoric of Promotion Committee Reports  256 Playing Chicken with the Provost and the University Promotion and Tenure Committee  257 Alt-A and Subprime Appointments and Promotions: Meltdown  258 Avoiding Getting Stuck with a Lemon  259 What Makes a Strong Tenure or Promotion Case?  260 Dossiers: Avoiding Disaster  261 Peer Institutions  262 Preparing Promotion Dossiers  263 Do Not Embarrass the Football Coach  264 Real Professors' Performance  265 Blowing Your Own Horn  266 Making Your Case for Promotion or Tenure  267 Personal Statements at Tenure and Promotion Time  268 The Promotion Bubble  269 Expectations for Tenure: Is There Enough Room at the Top?  270 Time in Rank   271 What Counts for Tenure and Promotion  272 Dossier Illusions  273 An Epitome of Concerns re Tenure and Promotion  274 Promotion Dossiers as Excuses  275 Benchmarking, Reviews, Citations, and the Disciplines  276 Preparing Promotion Dossier Materials  277 What Is the Contribution?  278 Writing Your Personal Statement  279 Promotion Dossier Checklist for Preparers  280 A Credible Dossier  281 Ringer Letters, Weak Trajectory, Uncollegial Behavior, Early Full Professorship  282 Promotion Dossiers Can Self-Destruct  283 Dossier Phenomenology  284 Problems with Promotion Dossiers  285 Excuses You Really Do Not Want to Employ  286 Might Departments or Schools Be Allowed to Make Their Own Tenure Decisions?

            C. More on Denial

            287 Unfairness  288 You Don't Want Your Colleagues to Write This Sort of Letter to the Provost  289 Tenure Due Processes  290 What to Do If You've Been Denied Tenure


Chapter 9. After Tenure--Associate and Full Professorship (#291  -307)

            291 What Did You Do This Summer?  292 You've Just Been Promoted by the Skin of Your Teeth  293 You've Just Been Promoted or Tenured  294 For Associate Professors: Grants, PIship, Fellowships  295 Bureaucratic Drag  296 Laying Golden Eggs: Long-Time-in-Rank Associate Professors  297 Getting Sandbagged and Slowed Down  298 Getting to Full Professor--Stoking the Fire in the Belly  299 Becoming a Full Professor  300 Promotion to Full: Your Personal Statement  301 Social Promotion  302 Promotion to Full Professor  303 What to Say to Senior Faculty When the University Is on the Make  304 No Faculty Member Is beyond Redemption  305 Retirement: Moving to Another Role Elsewhere  306 Appointing Star Professors and Those with Unconventional Careers   307 Senior Faculty Visibility


Chapter 10. Scholarly and Academic Ethos (#308  -391)

            A. Fundamentals

            308 No One Ever Does It on Their Own  309 <SC>send<\> and Die  310 Trapped in a Seminar  311 Feynman on Conference Disasters  312 What You Should Have Learned in Graduate School  313 Sabbatical Means Always Having to Say No  314 Taking One's Own Advice  315 Machiavellian Advice  316 Human Tragedy and Compassion  317 Resilience, Focus, Direction, Perseverance  318 Patience, Resilience, Courage  319 Is There a Substitute for Brains?  320 Untreated Illness and Work  321 Failure and Bouncing Back  322 Creativity  323 Whatever You Need Is in the Room. Do Not Go Home without Testing Out Your Ideas  324 Pronto Prototyping  325 Basics for Getting the Work Done  326 E-mail and Your Reputation  327 We Get Paid to Show Up  328 A Deeper Career  329 Judgment and Maturity  330 Doing What You Are Supposed to Do  331 Awkward Letters and Memoranda

            B. Excellence

            332 Excellence and Politics: Playing in the Big Leagues  333 The Rules of the Game  334 Reputation: You Have Only One Chance  335 Goldman Sachs Described  336 They're Judging You All the Time  337 The Impression You Make on Others  338 Your Reputation Is on the Line Each Time You Make an Appearance  339 Work That Matters  340 Academic Assets, Reliability  341 Fairness and Rewards  342 Pushing for Excellence and Preeminence  343 Excellence--How to Make the Football Team Proud of the University  344 For Faculty Who Want to Do Well  345 Playing at an Extremely High Level  346 Bonuses  347 Global Warming of the Quality Temperature  348 Your Comparative Advantage  349 Fame Too Late  350 Whether the Work Is Any Good at All  351 Craftsmanship  352 Annual Reviews  353 No Complaints  354 Thanking Everyone

            C. On Time

            355 How to Be on Time  356 Nobody Procrastinates Their Way to the Top  357 On Time vs. Late

            D. Overloaded?

            358 Focus  359 Overloaded?  360 When the Task or Work (the Dissertation, the Book) Is Too Much  361 May, June, July, and August  362 Time  363 Time Management  364 Scholarship and Community

            E. The Research Enterprise

            365 Success in This Life  366 Scholarship and Opinions  367 Scholarship Is a Competitive, Resource-Driven ($, Time) Enterprise  368 Politics: When You Have No Influence  369 Academic Tantrums  370 The Cost of Gaming the System  371 High-Concept Titles of Papers and Books  372 Strategy  373 Scholarship  374 The Scholarly Bottom Line  375 Focused Work  376 Reliability  377 Recognition: (Specialization <RARROW> Productivity) <TIMES> Visibility = Compensation  378 Grade Inflation?  379 Rejection and Recovery  380 Taking Charge in Group Work  381 What Counts in Scholarship  382 Scholarship: Scholia, Advances  383 Do We Read What Is Published in the Journals and Presses We Publish In?  384 The Research Literature  385 Rereading the Hard Parts of a Source

            F. Controversy

            386 Bureaucratic Survival  387 Reviews of Your Book or Article  388 Accusations and Innocence  389 You're 42, a Postdoc: What to Do Next?  390 If English Is Not Your Native Work Language  391 Finding Out about the World in a Reliable Way: Fishing for What's Going On


Chapter 11. Stronger Faculties and Stronger Institutions (#392  -420)

            A. Fundamentals

            392 College Admissions  393 Attracting Strong Graduate Students  394 Market Signaling  395 You Want a Faculty That's Hard to Keep  396 Ranking Departments  397 Tenure Markets  398 The Ones That Got Away  399 Propinquity Learning  400 Showing Up  401 Learning to Think  402 The Resistance of the Entrenched and Preserving the Institution's Heritage  403 Surviving and Thriving in the Research University of ~2025  404 Standards and Thriving  405 Late Bloomers  406 Why I Should Not Attend Most Seminars  407 Awarding Chairs and Honorary Professorships  408 What Do Deans Do?  409 FICO Scores for Deans/Departments: Trust in Practice  410 When a University Gets Stronger  411 Family Friendliness  412 Campus Life  413 Do You Wear Knife-Proof Undergarments? Academic Contest and Dialectic

            B. A Different University

            414 A Low-Cost, Low-Overhead University  415 Authority

            C. Mentoring

            416 Mentoring and Dementoring  417 Faculty Mentoring Faculty  418 Coaching Professors  419 Mentoring  420 Tormentoring

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